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April 2, 2008

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Thank you, and good morning. I appreciate former Presidents Iliescu and Constantinescu for joining us today. I want to thank the President of Latvia and Mrs. Zatlere for joining us. Secretary Rice, ambassadors, members of the United States Congress, the President of the National Bank of Savings, members of the German Marshall Fund and the Atlantic Council, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen -- Bun. Ziua

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還記得在《流星花園》裏,誰如果收到F4的紅紙條,那僟乎等於获得逝世刑審判,從此,在英德壆院他將處處受難…… 公司裁員的時候,誰若收到pink slip(字里意:粉紅色的紙條),那他最好趕快打點止李,另謀前途。Pink slip表现“解僱告诉書”。

Pink slip最早出現於20世紀初,指的是“員工周薪疑启裏夾著的粉紅色小紙條”,噹然,支到“pink slip”的員工隨即將被解职。至於為什麼要用粉紅色,有解釋認為,粉紅色相對而行比較温和,仿佛能够安慰被裁員工的“受傷古道热肠靈”。

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1. 勤奮战持續堅持。年夜多數人壆欠好英語基本的起因是嬾惰跟三天打魚兩天曬網。

2. 把英語噹成一門聲音而不是文字來壆。英語起首是一門聲音,文字不過是聲音的標本罢了。所以大量的聲音輸进和輸出是必不行少的,晚期要多運用耳朵和嘴巴,罕用眼睛。一個兒童壆會母語靠得就是聽說,买通耳朵是其語行的第一步,它起首在它聽不懂的乐音裏树立聲音次序。念壆好英語復讀機是絕對不成少的东西,你不必壞僟部復讀機您的英語絕對是啞巴英語。

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Official name of the executive mansion of the president of the United States. It is on the south side of Pennsylvania Ave.,Washington,D. C. , facing Lafayette Square. The building, constructed of Virginia freestone, is of simple and stately design. The portecochere on the north front,英漢翻譯, which forms the main entrance, is a portico of high lonic columns reaching from the ground to the roof pediment: it is belanced by a semicircular colonnaded balony on the south with a second-floor poroh, pleted in 1948. The main building (four stories high) is about 170 ft (52m) long by 85 ft (z6m) wide. The east and west terraces, the executive office ( l902) , the east wing ( 1942) , and a penthouse and a tomb shelter (1952) have been added. The colonnade at the east end is the public entrance. The executive office is approached by an esplanade. Large receptions are usually held in the East Room, which is 40 ft (12m) by 82 ft (25m) . The elliptical Blue Room is the scene of many social, diplomatic, and official receptions. The Red Room and the Green Room are used for private and quasi-official gatherings. The White House, designated "the Palace" in the original plans , was desighed by Janies Hoban on a sitechosen by CeoWe Washingion. It is the oldest public building in Washingion, its cornerstone having been laid in 1792 . Jobzi Adanis was the first Pesident to live there (1800) . The building was restored afier being burned (1814) by ritish troops, and the smoke - stained gray stone walls were painted white. Despite popular myth the cognomen "White House" was applied to the building some time before it was painted. The name became official when President Theodore Roosevelt had it engraved upon his stationery. Part of the house was rebuilt (1949 - 52) on a steel-supporting frame. The grounds, which cover about 18 acres (7 bectares) , are attractive with broad lawns, fountains, trees, and gardens. They were planned by Anddraw Jackson Dowiiing.

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August 9, 20

10:33 A.M. EDT

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The Salt of the Earth社會中堅;平易近族粗華;優秀分子

The Salt of the Earth這個成語,字里意义“世上的鹽

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August 20, 2008

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. (Applause.) Thank you for the warm wele. Please be seated. Thanks for the warm wele. General, thank you for the kind introduction. Who would have thought that three years after the storm, the President can e and say, New Orleans, Louisiana is on its way back as a stronger and better city. (Applause.)

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March 17, 2008

PRIME MINISTER AHERN: Mr. President and Mrs. Bush, thank you for the wele and honor which you've extended to our delegation, and to all the Irish guests, from North and from South, who are here at the White House this morning to mark St. Patrick's Day, Ireland's National Day. I'm very grateful, Mr. President, for the opportunity which we have just had to hold a very substantial and useful meeting with you in the Oval Office. We appreciate it, and we appreciate the amount of time that you've given to us.

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Education in Britain and The US

In Britain all children have to go to school between the ages of 5 and 16. In the US children must go to school from the age of 6 to between the ages of 14 and 16, depending on the state they live in.

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Pop one's clogs是個俚語,常被英國人应用,指“逝世失落、蹬腿”。


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Do Americans have any morals?That's a good question.Many people insist that ideas about right and wrong are merely personal opinions.Some voices,though,are calling Americans back to traditional moral values.William J.Bennett,former U.S.Secretary of Education,edited The Book of Virtues in 1993to do just that.Bennett suggests that great moral stories can build .The success of Bennett's book shows that many Americans still believe in moral values.But what are they?


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When I came to consider what I should say today it seemed that it would be wrong not to speak of China. And this is none the less true because I am an American by birth and by ancestry and though I live now in my own country and shall live there, since there I belong. But it is the Chinese and not the American novel which has shaped my own efforts in writing. My earliest knowledge of story, of how to tell and write stories, came to me in China. It would be ingratitude on my part not to recognize this today. And yet it would be presumptuous to speak before you on the subject of the Chinese novel for a reason wholly personal. There is another reason why I feel that I may properly do so. It is that I believe the Chinese novel has an illumination for the Western novel and for the Western novelist.

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